What a better world might look like



Let’s Fix our Reality

It’s time for a new Economic system

While it’s been apparent for some time, the recent corona virus situation has made it readily clear that our economic system has some extraordinary flaws, and needs a major overhaul. We need to design a new system that is able… Continue Reading →

An End to All Secrets

Democracy needs transparency

Last time I checked, the USA had somewhere around seventeen active federal intelligence agencies, and counting.  This is an enormous cost in a country where we claim we can’t afford to pay for people’s healthcare or their education, or for… Continue Reading →

Do We Really Need a President Anyway?

One lesson is clear – We must never let just one person have this much power again

It’s impossible to tell at this point what the shakedown from the grand Trump experiment will be, but one thing is painfully clear—if the United States manages to survive this turmoil intact (and especially if it doesn’t), it is time… Continue Reading →

Saving the world shouldn’t be that hard

Everyone seems to agree capitalism is the problem, but nobody seems to offer any solutions.

Browse around the internet a bit and you’ll see plenty of articles complaining about capitalism, or maybe “late-stage” capitalism, or “American-style capitalism”, or some such variant. It’s killing us, they say, or it’s killing the planet, or it’s enslaving us,… Continue Reading →

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